Costume Contest
Hi there!
We host two costume contests during the convention weekend. Interested in signing up for one? Be sure to read all the rules and info below before following the links to the application form!
March 30

Competitive Divisions:
Saturday March 29th 6:00pm
Showcase Entries:
Sunday March 30th 12:00pm
Contest Registration & Participation
- Please note that registration is now only online and no longer available in person with the Info Desk staff. Registration after the stated deadline for your category will not be accepted.
- Participation in the costume contest is free with a valid wristband for the day of the contest (Saturday for Younglings, Sunday for adults).
Younglings Costume Contest (12 & Under)
Welcome, and thank you for your interest in participating in the costume contest! This competition is for our young aspiring cosplayers and gives them a chance to show off their costumes to an excited convention crowd!
Cosplayers 12 years of age or under at the time of competition can compete in the Youngling’s Costume Contest.
The Younglings Contest has two categories:
Showcase (non-competitive)
- For children who don’t want to compete but would love to display their costumes!
- For those wearing entirely store-bought or professionally-made costumes
- Entrants will do the contest walk to showcase their costume
- Not eligible for awards
- Entrants have the opportunity to show off their hard work
- Prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place
- Purchased costumes are permitted providing at least 50% or more of the costume has been made or modified
SATURDAY March 29th 1:00pm
Aviary (Court Garden)
Registration deadline: Saturday March 29th 11:30am
* The sign-up form is only available online and will no longer be an option in person.

Costume Contest
Welcome, and thank you for your interest in participating in the contest! The main Costume Contest is our most popular event of the convention and happens Sunday evening to close out the weekend with a bang!
There are five competitive divisions to the costume contest: Novice, Journeyman, Workmanship, Master and Best in Show.
Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each category with the exception of Best in Show, which is a singular award.
Those who are not competing but would still like to show off their costume can enter the Showcase portion of the costume contest. No prizes are awarded for Showcase.
Each division will be outlined below. Please read them carefully before signing up for the contest.

Costume Contest Divisions and Rules
Please Note:
- Entrants who hold previous awards from Sci-Fi on the Rock cannot enter a level lower than what they were awarded. For example, a previous second place winner in Journeyman cannot enter Novice.
- Entrants who hold any combination of 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in a single contest category are automatically promoted to the next level, and are unable to enter a lower category. For example: a cosplayer with three previous awards in Novice must now be promoted to Journeyman.
- Fully purchased or commissioned costumes can only be entered in the Showcase Competition
When entering the costume contest, choose the category that’s right for you.
Please read the descriptions below to make your decision.
All Novice contestants must be 13 years of age or older. Contestants who are new to cosplay, or have never entered a Sci-Fi on the Rock costume contest before should enter Novice. Entrants must not have previous awards for costuming from Sci-Fi on the Rock above the Novice level.
Entrants must display a basic knowledge of craftsmanship. Novice is the only category that can use purchased clothing or costume pieces, as long as they have been altered in a major way (at least 80% of the purchased item(s) must be altered).
Registration Deadline: Saturday March 29th 6:00pm
All Journeyman contestants must be 13 years of age or older.
Entrants should display a good knowledge of craftsmanship. The costume’s main components must be entirely made by the cosplayer wearing it. Basic items of clothing such as shoes, tights or gloves (used as bases for gauntlets, armour, etc.), can be store-bought.
Registration Deadline: Saturday March 29th 6:00pm
All Master contestants must be 13 years of age or older. Master contestants may hold previous awards in any category, and there are no limits to how many times this category can be won.
This is the highest tier of competition, and entrants should display a professional level of craftsmanship, attention to detail, and performance. The same costume cannot be entered more than once.
Please note: To remain in fair competition, we must have at least five contestants in this category to present awards.
Registration Deadline: Saturday March 29th 6:00pm
Judging for these 3 divisions happens during the main contest in the Aviary (Court Garden) where cosplayers do a costume walk in front of the audience and a panel of judges.
Workmanship is a separate category that anyone in the above 3 divisions may also choose to compete. This competition highlights the hard work, creativity and detail cosplayers put into making their costume.
Purchased, rented or commissioned costumes are not eligible for the Workmanship Competition. Participation is optional and entrants can opt out of this category during registration.
Workmanship judging occurs earlier on Sunday and is separate from the main contest.
Workmanship entrants are required to attend prejudging at 1:00pm on Sunday in the Batcave (Plymouth) for a one-on-one judging session.
You must bring reference photos (digital or physical) of the character you are cosplaying, unless the cosplay is an original design.
* Judges are looking for overall quality and execution of the techniques you used, attention to detail, costume fit, accuracy to your design or character, creativity and proper finishes used for the relevant materials (fabric, foam, leather, polymer clay etc.)
Registration Deadline: Saturday March 29th 6:00pm
Best in Show draws from all participants in all competitive categories of the Costume Contest. The sole winner is chosen based on their craftsmanship, construction, and creativity. The Best in Show winner is not eligible for any other awards from that year’s convention.
As winner of Best in Show, your costume (not the cosplayer themself) is retired from competition at future Sci-Fi on the Rock events.
Showcase is a non-competitive opportunity to walk in the costume contest. Any Sci-Fi on the Rock attendee in costume can enter the Showcase portion of the contest.
If your cosplay is purchased, rented or commissioned (made by someone else) you are only eligible for Showcase, and not awards. For commissioned costumes, please give credit to the person who made the costume at the time of registration.
Below is an outline of what counts as a “purchased costume”:
- Mass-produced costumes (i.e., Spirit Halloween, Amazon, cosplay websites)
- Cosplays using a variety of store-bought pieces that haven’t been adequately altered or customized
- Commissioned costumes
- Costumes made for business purposes (theatrical/professional)
- A purchased costume or pieces that has been modified less than 20% by the cosplayer
*Final decisions on if a costume is considered purchased lies with the costume contest judges*
Registration Deadline: Sunday March 30th at 12:00pm
Cosplay & Prop Weapon Rules
Before signing up, be sure to read and comply with the Cosplay & Prop Weapon Policies below. Every cosplayer attending the convention is responsible for following these rules.
Sportsmanship in the Contest
Please remember that Sci-Fi on the Rock is 100% volunteer run. The judges do their very best to be fair and consider all elements of costumes. We consider the judge’s ruling as final and ask entrants to respect this decision.
If you feel an error has been made somewhere in the competition, please contact the costume contest committee at Sci-Fi on the Rock’s committee will evaluate all concerns and resolve any presented matters swiftly.
We ask that you do not, under any circumstances, contact the judges. Any harassment of either judges or committee members will not be tolerated and could result in a ban from future contests or conventions.
Our convention code of conduct for good behaviour applies to those competing in the contests and we will not tolerate any rude, offensive, aggressive or otherwise upsetting behaviour. The contests are about celebrating creativity and inspiring others and we hope you all honour that mission with us!
SUNDAY March 30th 5:00pm
Aviary (Court Garden)
ALL COMPETITORS need to arrive for Contest Holding in the Tardis room at 4:00pm.
If you are doing Workmanship be at the Batcave (Plymouth Room) at 1:00pm Sunday
Registration Deadline:
Competitive Divisions: Saturday March 29th 6:00pm
Showcase Entries: Sunday March 30th 12:00pm
* The sign-up form is only available online and will no longer be an option in person.
cosplay rules
Cosplay is one of the most enjoyable aspects of the convention every year. However, we must take steps to maintain a safe and secure experience for all attendees.
We actively encourage the creativity and talent of all our attendees while designing their costumes but caution them to keep the safety of the public, fellow attendees, staff and venue in mind.
To ensure this goal of a safe & happy convention, we have implemented the following policies:
General Costume Rules
While the convention is certainly a mask-friendly space, please keep in mind while travelling to and from the convention as well as some public areas frequented by non-convention hotel guests, that full face masks disguising identity can sometimes be associated with criminal activity or make people uneasy.
They can cause unrest, panic and suspicion out of context, please wear them responsibly. If hotel staff/local authorities should require you to remove your mask under reasonable circumstances, we ask that you please cooperate.
We welcome the creativity and hard work that go into huge costumes! They bring excitement, inspiration and awe to the convention. Please keep the following in mind if you want to wear/bring a large costume to Sci-Fi on the Rock:
- Pieces and attachments (swords, guns, wings, etc.) should not obstruct traffic, block doors, endanger other attendees, damage the hotel or interfere with staff. Large props should be kept close to your person and when being used for demonstrations or photos, should be taken out in an area safe to do so away from high-traffic areas.
- Buddy System – Costumes that are themselves large should be carefully maneuvered and if they hinder visibility, hearing or spatial awareness of the wearer should have an unhindered attendant available to keep both the cosplayers and onlookers safe.
- Should you have a costume large enough that is immobile, please confirm with the committee where/if it will be set up before the convention as space is at a premium and set-up could be limited or not available.
We welcome and enjoy seeing amazing cosplay costumes and unique fashion throughout the convention. However, we are an all-ages, family-friendly event and must ensure that attendees are clothed appropriately for our audience.
If your costume is deemed offensive by Sci-Fi on the Rock staff you may be expelled from the convention. This includes but is not limited to; nudity, vulgarity, and promotion of intolerant ideology. If nudity, real or simulated can be identified, then cosplayers may be asked to cover up or leave. Those in skin-tight costumes are strongly encouraged to wear a dance belt or other support device.
Costumes and clothing are expected to be of sturdy construction to minimize the risk of malfunctions that may lead to accidental exposure. For example, if the character is wearing a towel or seashells, please ensure that they are well-secured and that proper undergarments are worn.
Anyone wearing clothing or costumes that are not compliant with this policy in sole judgment of Sci-Fi on the Rock, will be asked to cover up or leave. Depending on the severity of the offence, cosplayers may be asked to change or may be asked to leave the event and not return (with no refund).
Should anyone question the permissibility of their costume, it is likely already too risqué. However, we encourage all to seek clarification from just to be sure.
Pets are not permitted at the Sci-Fi on the Rock convention or during the Costume Contests. If your cosplay has a companion (ex. dog, cat, snake, bird, etc) it must be simulated. Exceptions will only be made for people requiring guide or service dogs.
Prop Weapon Rules
Prop Review Policy: We have to see your prop weapon before you can come in.
While we are happy to answer prop questions via email or social media, we cannot approve a prop without seeing it in person during the convention.
The prop must be seen and reviewed in person and judged on its exact condition at the point of entry for the convention.
Please see our volunteers at the INFO DESK to have your prop reviewed and tagged.
The following rules apply to everyone at the convention, not just those entering the costume contest.
Please do not bring the following:
Any weapon(s) prohibited by Canadian law is not permitted. These will be seized and anyone found in possession of them will be asked to leave and henceforth be banned from Sci-Fi on the Rock Conventions and affiliated events. It is our public duty and obligation to report said person/person(s) to the authorities to take any legal action required.
- Blow Guns
- Functional Air-soft Guns
- BB guns
- Paintball guns
- General compressed air firearms
- Replica firearms
- Sling shots
- Crossbows
- Dart guns
- Spear guns
- Launchers
NO live ammunition firearms are permitted both by most laws, our own event policies and the hotel’s policy. This includes those firearms that have no loaded ammunition, or the firing bolt or pin removed. A disabled firearm is still of a potential danger should it become abled and we will confiscate it and if needed, contact authorities to remove you.
- Any concealable weapons (knives, brass knuckles, switchblades, etc.)
- Heavy machinery (chainsaws, axes, scythes, picks, tools, etc.).
- Prop weapons made with wood, metal, or other hard materials found to have a potentially hazardous sharp edge (daggers, swords, spears, shurikens, steaks, swords, fantastical replica blades, etc.) are not permitted and will be confiscated.
∗ Props made of these materials in these styles but with safe, blunt edges & finishes are allowed following an in-person inspection upon admission onto the Convention floor.
Furthermore, typically harmless items used in a harmful, threatening, imposing or potentially dangerous manner will be confiscated and those behaving in said manner are at risk of being expelled from the event, future Sci-Fi on the Rock Conventions and affiliated events.
Pyrotechnics are not permitted at the Convention and materials/ items facilitating such displays will be confiscated immediately.
- Explosives
- Flamethrowers/ flame emitting machinery
- Firecrackers
- Flare guns caps
- Sparklers
- Fireworks
- Flammable liquids
A person found using these or similar items, will have items confiscated and are at risk of being expelled from the event and future Sci-Fi on the Rock Conventions and affiliated events at the discretion of the committee.
Permitted items such as matches and personal lighters, etc. if found to be used in a dangerous or atypical manner can also be confiscated under similar terms.
- Mace
- Pepper spray
- Smoke bombs
- Smoke flares
- Liquid sprays and
- Foam sprays harmful in nature
Furthermore, benign products found being used in a harmful, offensive, personally invasive or unwanted manner (silly string, perfumes, glitter, etc.) will also not be tolerated. Sci-Fi on the Rock endeavours to protect the public from dangerous/misused chemical products as well as providing a largely scent free/allergy-friendly environment.
Notes on what you *CAN* bring:
- Prop firearms MUST have an orange/fluorescent tip for security reasons, this typically applies to prop weapons that could be mistaken visually for a real/live weapon.
- Functional projectile weapons (including nerf-guns, crossbows, longbows, slingshots) must be rendered non-functional and should be a prop/toy in nature.
- Bows, crossbows and other kinetic weapons must not be strung.
- Nerf or foam enabled guns, crossbows, etc. weapons are permitted, but cannot be loaded with foam or other projectiles and must NOT be fired at the convention under any circumstances.
- Bullets, arrows or other ammunition must be a prop in nature and feature foam/safe/blunt tips to be allowed on the convention floor.
- Blunt items such as wooden props, staffs, large foam constructions, bats, heavy props adhering to the outlines listed above, etc. are permitted as they are being used safely.
Staffs, canes, shepherd hooks, or any pole-type props must be carried in a vertical upright position whenever moving through any event space.
However, if it’s found that an approved prop is being handled irresponsibly or obstructively to other attendees, these items will be confiscated and those in their possession are at risk for expulsion at the discretion of the committee pending the severity of the infraction and their co-operation.
This also applies to large or expansive weapons and props such as staffs, swords, wings, etc. Serious complaints will result in the removal of these pieces and/or the cosplayer.
Sci-Fi on the Rock reserves the right to reject any props or costume pieces it deems unsafe to attendees. If you have any questions or concerns about any of the policies on listed on this page or any other questions about policies please contact us at
Any attendee found to be in willful violation of these policies may be asked to leave without refund and, in cases where it is deemed necessary, the authorities will be notified.